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  • SRE will act as a centre of excellence on our observability tooling in the business, encouraging engineers to think of observability as an approach for not only identifying their problems, but an essential part of building applications, informing them of where they should focus their impact and what to focus on. We’ll do this by providing best in class observability platforms and working with engineers to understand Engineering pain points, educating engineers on how the tooling may help. We’ll evangelise an Observability mindset, challenging engineers to take a data driven approach to understanding both problems and the day to day operations of their applications.

  • We will encourage teams to define SLOs on their services and their associated SLI’s, helping where necessary to identify these SLI’s. This will help us to ensure the performance, reliability and the expected level of services for our applications and help teams focus in on important problems versus inconsequential problems. Correctly defining and continuously measuring

*SLI’s is a key to understand which behaviours really matter and will be how we constantly evaluate the platform’s health. We will encourage our engineering partners to shift observability left into the CI/CD world; our observability tooling can act as a first point of information as to the success or failure of our builds, intercepting problems close-to and even before the promotion of builds to production.